
Friday, November 21, 2014

Lelaki ini Menjadikan enjin Kereta sebagai tempat Memasak dan hasilnya sangat WOW (9 gambar)

Alfred Cary, pelajar berusia 22 tahun ini kerap memasak di atas enjin keretanya apalagi jika terpaksa berjalan jauh. Antara masakan yang pernah dihasilkan melalui enjin kereta ialah apricot lamb, salmon, duck breast with noddles, steak dan sebagainya. Lelaki ini juga sudah mengeluarkan buku yang berkaitan dengan minatnya itu yang bertajuk Carbecue.

Tuna burger. Alfredís girlfriend Claudia Cristwell enjoying a tuna burger prepared in the carís engine. Student Alfred Cary, 22, cooks delicious grub grilled on the engine of his Ford Ka.

Mr Cary  prepares food whenever he is on the road and enjoys the luxury of tucking into home-cooked meals surrounded by the British countryside

Roasted pepper is among the many dishes the enterprising young cook can whip up

Motorway meal: Alfred preparing apricot lamb to cook in his car. Student Alfred Cary, 22, cooks delicious grub grilled on the engine of his Ford Ka

The car cook says the tin foil forms a tight seal and the food doesn't get contaminated by engine smells


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